Proposal for MyNEARWallet maintainer team role

1. What’s your company name, location, and the point of contact?

INC4 LLC, Ukraine – Alina Tustanovska, COO (

 2. Could you tell us about your team’s background and track record?

INC4 is a software development company with a specific focus on blockchain technology and decentralized applications.

Throughout the years we have gained vast experience in developing a number of complex blockchain-based solutions: from DeFi platforms, smart contracts, exchanges, bridging infrastructure and wallets – to fully customized private blockchains and decentralized applications for the creator economy and regenerative finance. We have been involved in crypto for each key industry’s moment, helping customers implement the technology into their specific projects.

Most importantly, we have a well documented track record of utilizing our expertise to solve custom development needs from virtually any blockchain-based tech stack (EVM, Non-EVM, Roll-Up, Core L1, etc.) Our specialists can be hand-picked to match any product’s requirements for a fully-remote team.

Within 10 years of our existence (Since 2013), our team has grown exponentially, having delivered more than 80 blockchain-based projects of varying complexity. 

At root, we believe that the best way to evaluate the quality of any project we have worked with, is to ask ourselves whether we are proud of it or not. Regardless of the project, or company behind it, this is our quality standard for guaranteeing consistent results and highly functional decentralized applications.

You can find out more about our team, portfolio and case studies here.

 3. How long has your team been working together?

The team’s founders and core members started collaboration on various projects in 2013.

The main INC4 engineering team have been working together since 2016 till the date.

 4. How large is your team? How many developers/engineers?

Currently INC4 comprises 70 members, 50 out of which are technical engineers.

 5. What kinds of work/projects do you specialize in? What kinds of work/projects have you worked on in the NEAR ecosystem and/or the Blockchain space?

Our product portfolio comprises Minerall, a multi-coin mining pool; Moonstone Miner, a unique multi-coin miner. In NEAR specifically, INC4 has developed PembRock Finance, leveraged yield farming DeFi platform on the NEAR Protocol; GYNN, custom RPC provider and node benchmark service, as well as Spaceport, an on/off ramp, custody and account marketplace for the NEAR Ecosystem to be delivered this year.

INC4 is also an official development team for Open Forest Protocol, a blockchain-based open source ReFi platform for the communal verification, reporting and financing forestry projects to facilitate carbon economies. The Protocol has been built from scratch, the development has been constantly ongoing for the past two years since the launch of the NEAR Protocol itself. OFP, has also just closed a funding round of 4.1mm Pre-Seed. 

Going back to 2021 INC4 actively participated in the NEAR Guilds Program. The INC4 Guild became the first development guild to help the NEAR community grow the Ecosystem. We’ve developed various dApps, blogs, landings, NFTs, smart contractscovering the community’s immediate needs required for the fastest onboarding into the Ecosystem.

 6. What’s your familiarity/experience working with open source projects? Web3 projects?

Our team has worked with Spacemesh for three years, L1 for programmable cryptocurrency, covering their explorer and dashboard development, node upgrade and maintenance, and deployment system. This project is fully open source.

Also, the Open Forest Protocol is going to be open source after development completion and release of the full Protocol’s infrastructure. 

As for Web3, most of the projects in our portfolio are all blockchain/web3 based, and as such we are primarily experienced in this industry specifically.

 7. What are your technical capabilities? Specifically what languages/stacks/services do you have expertise in (including frontend, backend, mobile, and cloud)?

The INC4 team possesses profound expertise across a full stack of software and hardware development technologies required to cover contemporary demand for the internet of value and the internet of things. 

The main technical specifications are listed as follows: 

Languages: Golang, Rust, Solidity, Typescript, JavaScript, Python, C, C++, Java.

DB and Storage: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, IPFS, ElasticSearch.

Frameworks and Libraries: React, Gatsby, NextJS, React Native.

Web-servers, Monitoring and Administration: AWS, Google Cloud, Kubernetes, Terraform, Prometheus, Grafana, PagerDuty.

 8. How do you handle QA and testing?

The codebase of any product created by our team gets thoroughly audited by the technical leads, and is fully covered with automated tests, as well as integration and e2e tests.

Manual flow testing, meanwhile, is performed by our in-house QA Team, usually within three stages with bug-reporting and fixes incorporated at the end of each testing cycle.

 9. What are your non-technical capabilities? Do you have in-house design, UX/UI? Project management? Customer support? Other services?

There are at least a dozen people within INC4 specifically focused on non-technical product implementation, design, and architecture. This includes: 

– an in-house Graphic Engineering Team built of graphic designers and UX engineers;

– the Project Management Office comprising six professional PMs handling the full delivery cycle of our in-house and outsource projects. As well an in-house product designer specialized in mechanism design, user-experience testing, and product logic and management (for different versions over time);

– our IT Support Team provides account support services for the products we deliver, including technical support;

– we also provide technical architecture design services for sophisticated and high-load systems and applications, ensured by our Architect Office.

The MyNEARWallet Roadmap and Product Vision

1. Could you provide a go-to-market and product roadmap for MyNEARWallet in an outline format. In that roadmap, please detail your target roadmap for MyNEARWallet:

Wallets in the NEAR Ecosystem, have the capacity to grow above and beyond any other type of wallet in crypto. This is largely due to the nature of the NEAR Account model, and accompanying access keys. My NEAR Wallet (MNW) is already robustly designed to accommodate the storage of assets and the management of accounts for users. 

The following roadmap, would expand the feature set offered by My NEAR Wallet, and position it to become the most functional, user friendly, and integrated wallet in the NEAR Ecosystem. Please note that the terms estimation as broken down in the application are approximate, because we’ll need to first dive into the code inventory and get profound understanding how the product was built by the previous team. The same applies to the order of features implementation specified below, it’ll depend on the community’s priority needs.

a) Short term, 3 months:

Access Keys and Recovery Keys: An interface from which users are able to generate new access keys, destroy existing access keys, and manage existing keys. This also refers to an overview of function call limited permissions that are currently open, and the relevant dApps that are connected to the specific account.  

Recovery Keys: Allowing users to create custom recovery keys with differing time durations for their account. They then are able to set the recovery address, whether it be themselves, or a custody-based third party. 

 b) Medium term, 1 year:

Account Creation Type and Management: Allowing users to create new accounts from within the wallet interface. Uniquey, users will be offered 5 options for account creation:

  • Create new High Level Account (when the auction opens). 
  • Create new standard account (root.near). 
  • Create new sub account (for the specific account currently logged in). 
  • Connect a Remote Account (depending on the execution environment). 

The Account Management Tab shows the users accounts and the assets inside of it, and then allows the users to see all connected sub-accounts, or remote accounts connected with a specific execution interface.

Built-in Downloadable Accounting: Metric based management of all assets, non-fungible tokens, and dates of transactions, including the price an asset was swapped or transferred at, and to which account it went. This makes it easy for performance, as well as tax purposes – where relevant. 

Built-In Bridging Interface: The built-in bridge interface allows users to move funds from one account on one execution environment, into another account on another execution environment inside of the NEAR Ecosystem. It can also be used for bridging assets onto NEAR from Aurora. 

Switch Execution Environment: Sharding on NEAR allows for different ‘execution environments’ that can all benefit from the same underlying settlement layer. Switching the execution environment allows the user to use My NEAR Wallet, to switch between the NEAR Native Network, the Aurora Network, Zk-Network, and any other particular execution environment developed on NEAR. In one interface, the user can use My NEAR Wallet, to migrate across to Aurora, and connect with Aurora based dApps, from which they can then switch back to My NEAR Wallet, to check their farming yields. 

 c) Long term, 2-3 years:

Crypto space as well as the NEAR Ecosystem are highly changeable based on innumerable amounts of factors and circumstances. Hence we don’t find it feasible to foresee a long-term development plan of such a product. Product should definitely be constantly expanded in its features and functionalities depending on the industry and community needs, which we will be constantly monitoring and accepting for implementation during the way.

 2. What is your plan to address the most critical security items?

Provided that we don’t have access to the security audit report, our plan will be the following:

Step 1: Conduct the product security audit first (or receive access to the Protiviti report), locate security issues, if any.

Step 2: Define security gaps based on the audit results and highlight potential harm scenarios.

Step 3: Prioritize the risks and create an elimination plan with the help of the Architect Office.

Step 4: Eliminate risks in order of priority.

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